Non-Identifying Social Genetic Report, 1998,
Wall Installation, Photo-Bookwork, edition of 200.
To purchase, please email davidschulzworks
at gmail dot com. $40.
Non-Identifying Social Genetic Report is based on a non-identifying report I received from my mother when I was 26. It contained a confusing mixture of objective information: "[David's birthparents]...met at a drive-in movie theater and dated steadily," and subjective observation: "[David's birthfather]...seemed immature for his age." The report prompted an official investigative search for my birthparents, which in the end failed to discover their identities. In this project, quotations from the adoption report are set against diary-like scrawled notes and photographs that act as a surrogate identity for the non-identifying information. This work was later published as an artists' book in 1999. All images shown are from the wall installation: Untitled, 1998, sizes variable, mixed media: d-prints, vellum, ink, paper, mounted on aluminum.
Wall Installation, Photo-Bookwork, edition of 200.
To purchase, please email davidschulzworks
at gmail dot com. $40.

Non-Identifying Social Genetic Report is based on a non-identifying report I received from my mother when I was 26. It contained a confusing mixture of objective information: "[David's birthparents]...met at a drive-in movie theater and dated steadily," and subjective observation: "[David's birthfather]...seemed immature for his age." The report prompted an official investigative search for my birthparents, which in the end failed to discover their identities. In this project, quotations from the adoption report are set against diary-like scrawled notes and photographs that act as a surrogate identity for the non-identifying information. This work was later published as an artists' book in 1999. All images shown are from the wall installation: Untitled, 1998, sizes variable, mixed media: d-prints, vellum, ink, paper, mounted on aluminum.