Impounded [birth certificate], by David Schulz. Published by Shibboleth, Emic Units, 32 pages, Digital printing, Perfect bound, 9 x 12”, Complete box set of 50 zines from 50 different artists, 2023.

This video describes my project, Impounded [birth certificate], part of Emic Units, published by Shibboleth (Milan), which was presented at the New York Art Book Fair, spring, 2024.

Description of Emic Units project from the Shibboleth website: The box contains fifty visual interpretations of the term shibboleth, a word to which no language can lay claim, a hard-to-falsify linguistic sign used to winnow identities in order to establish policies and borders. Each of the fifty booklets is by a different author and is conceived as an exercise book for the social projects we run among the different communities with whom we collaborate long-term.

Shibboleth is the first chapter of “Emic Units”, a series about the migration of ideas explor­ing how far the confines of  meaning can be stretched geographically, historically, metaphorically and visually.